A Little This, a Little That

We’ve a lot going on at the McDermott house! Spring has sprung, our flowers are starting to bloom, we’ve got the house looking like spring inside and out! I’ve been trying to wrap up projects for the even busier months ahead. We’ve got a planned trip to see my parents for my mom’s (my sister and niece will be there!) 70th birthday, a slew of dr appointments as they sort out what they need to schedule a surgery for me in the next maybe 2 months - which I am told I’ll be recovered enough to hike after a few days/week, but I won’t be able to lift anything much for a bit. On that note- I am trying to get some big stuff done before then like swapping out the rug at my desk, which I just did and so feel like I have a whole new art space! So, on to the good stuff!

I love the refresh of my art space.

This small (5”) painting was a 2nd commission from a couple who are hanging it in their travel van that they are currently living in as they travel the country! I’ve become friends with Jess on Instagram and love seeing the hikes she takes. You can find her there @jess.off.trail

I’ve had the materials for this picture board for a while with the intent of making it for Cory’s office and we just did it the other day. I usually see them with the ribbons crossed and tacked down, but Cory preferred it this way and really I do too. The fabric is by Tula Pink and I picked it out because growing up Cory always had fish tanks. I wanted to bring that idea back into his office. Green is also his favorite color.

I’ve got all the sides quilted for matching tote bags for Emily and I as I’ve been trying to wrap up things I want to have ready by our visit.

This blanket is another gift made to be ready for the trip for our niece Elaina. Top and bottom pics are front and back.

We recently renewed our Crystal Springs Rhododendron Gardens membership and have been taking advantage this spring. The nutria have been sunbathing, and we even saw a green backed heron!

This I am sharing just because it is a happy thing and feel like it :)

My mom’s uncle, Uncle Mike, sent me an etching that belonged to my great grandma and hung in her house in St Louis. I had it rematted and a custom frame made for it and let him know, and asked about her. I never got to meet my great grandma Margaret, and I wondered what stories he could tell me. Mike turned this into a project and wrote down tons of anecdotes, facts about her, stories about her with other family, copied pictures of her and other relatives and shared it with not only me but the family! It’s a wonderful gift and going through the pages feels like I know her some. She was the mom of my grandma who I called Mawmaw, and she was my favorite. Is my favorite.

The art from uncle Mike in its new custom frame.

This was Margaret with her nurse training uniform.

Lastly, some of our blooming tulips. I love the abundance of spring!