
I did a post a while back sharing authors & their books I recommend. I thought I would do the same for movies! We have had a very cool wet spring and though we have kept up our hiking, we have also stayed in and watched a lot of movies. These are some of my favorites that you should look out for!

Lars and the Real Girl, a film from 2007 starring Ryan Gosling, Emily Mortimer & Patricia Clarkson. This has long been one of my favorites but lately I have realized it is rare to mention it and someone to know what I am talking about and for that reason it is at the top of my list. In this movie Lars is a shy character in a small town where he lives with his brother and sister in law. Through the movie you learn about how the past is keeping Lars from really going forward in relationships, but it’s really seen through the delusion of his dating a sex doll.. The town supports him and as everyone comes together to help Lars, they all grow to being like family. It’s cute, it’s funny, and one I consider rewatch worthy.

Danny Deckchair-an Australian film from 2003 , tells the tale of a character named Danny (Rhys Ifans) who floats on a chair suspended from balloons via a prank gone wrong to a new life in a new town. Crazy? Not as crazy as his cheating fame-obsessed girlfriend where he came from. This movie is hilarious and I can’t watch it too many times.

Sweet Land- Released in 2005- With World Wars putting Germans into a bad light, bride to be (arranged marriage ) Inge isn’t any exception in her new town in Minnesota. It’s a heart-warming story about a couple coming together through bad odds and in hard times growing stronger instead of apart.

King of California- 2007- Crazy dad (played by Michael Douglas) is convinced there is treasure buried near his home in California. He convinces his daughter (Evan Rachel Wood) to help him find it (though she really would rather not) and finds more than she thought. Is there a treasure? Is her dad actually crazy? Watch it!

Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day- 2008. Set in 1939, when unemployed Miss Pettigrew steals a job assignment from a placement agency she begins more of an adventure than she bargained for. There is a very “I Love Lucy” feel to some of the mishaps that only earns it more points in my book! Also, Frances McDormand rocks.

Red Planet- A station sent to mars in preparation for a team is found wrecked and their pod crashed and is destroyed upon arrival. This leaves the team without much hope of survival or of completing their mission- until they discover oxygen is already there! What happens next I will leave to you to find out, but it is one of my favorites and Val does an excellent job. Released in 2000.

Walk on Water- an Israeli film from 2004 , but do not be deceived by the title. This film has a Mossad agent befriending a famed Nazi’s relatives for a secret assignment. It’s fun but intense at times and shows you we are not who we are related to and people can surprise you.

Daniel Craig’s James Bond series. These are popular enough I won’t bother with the write-up, but watch them if you haven’t. If you have, you understand.

Hunt for the Wilderpeople- 2016, New Zealand. A foster kid who has been in some trouble finds a home with a quirky couple. When he is told by the govt he can no longer stay, he takes off with his new dad and a manhunt ensues.

Leave No Trace- 2018- A film based on a true story about a father and daughter who lived in Forest Park in Portland, OR undetected for several years. It’s beautifully shot and makes you question how much control we need the government to have..

Blade Runner - 1982- Directed by Ridley Scott & stars Harrison Ford- My favorite film of all time-Just watch it. If you haven’t seen this already you should.

One movie that is a big “Don’t Bother”- Last Kiss. After Braff’s movie Garden State being so great I had high hopes, but it was a real let down. So I vote pass!