Acing the Bass

Hello, Cory here to provide a guest blog on Anna's website. Of course I help out with the woodwork and the hiking, but I also wanted to chip in on the digital front. We've thought of various ideas, usually around the projects I'm able to get finished! <<yikes>>

Recently I had the idea to build a guitar from a kit. Feeling somewhat uninspired, and mildly adventurous, I decided to check on Amazon. Long story short...I found an electric bass guitar kit that was under a hundred bucks—including strings!!!! Checking with Anna...and yep, Add to cart.

It arrived at our house in a single box a few days later, and I wasted no time assembling and verifying I could make somewhat reasonably decent sounds emit from the amplifier.

30 minutes later..........success! I was rocking in a new Octave!

As neat as it was, I knew that it wasn't over. I had more work to do. The headstock was straight up lame, and while the "unfinished" look could be fine I suppose, but I wanted to make this one my own. I wanted to paint it my favorite color, because I had no green guitars. If my mission was a success, I would no longer be able to truthfully make this claim.

Basically, what's going to come next is a photo dump of the process of finishing this beast. It took a long time (considering most of the project timelines I'm used to.) Between each coat of finish, appropriate cure time was required. So even though it didn't take a ton of "active hours," the project still took [what felt like] an eternity. Realistically, maybe a month, photo timestamps tell the true story if I cared to look.

In any case, I'm really pleased with how it turned out. One change I'm still working through is applying another coat or two to the neck to smooth out a few tacky spots. Another project might be to add some art to the currently white pick guard. Always thinking of what's next!

ps, One more BIG shout out, to I've Been Framed in Portland. They always treat us right and helped me select the materials to use for this project. It was perhaps a bit outside the usual customer ask, but I'm EXTREMELY pleased with the results. Thanks Prarie!!!!

pps, A big factor in motivating me to do this post was getting to pick the title. It's a bit of an ode to my musical past, shame-inducing as parts may be.... Among the first CDs in my collection, along with Hootie and the Blowfish, Alanis, KoRn and Weird Al were the mega band: Ace of Bass.

She lives. the. lone-lee. life!
