Oregon Renfaire in Canby

In 2019 we went to the renaissance festival in Oregon for the first time. I had liked going to the one in Norman, OK when I lived in Oklahoma and thought Cory would have fun (having never been to one) as well. We went with a couple friends and had a GREAT time. The skits were especially fun so we were looking forward to their return this year after a break due to Covid. The festival is held during the first couple weekends in June and returned much bigger this year. It actually sold out! We ended up going alone and it rained and was pretty cool out but that didn’t mess the day up at all. I can’t wait til next year!

I am going to share some photos to recommend it for next year (mark your calendar!) and my photos are from both times we went. As it turns out, I am generally too busy having fun to take many pictures while we are there!

The Canby fairgrounds where the Renfaire is held is a really pretty place full of trees. It feels much more like a Sherwood Forest than a fairgrounds.

Jousting ranks high as a favorite event. Everyone gets into it and is cheering. The mead tent is at the entrance on the one side and be sure not to miss it!

The crowd was pretty funny. Everyone cheered for Scotland when they were up!

Lots of vendors- tons this year! I even bought chainmaille earrings this time!

The shows were really fun. We saw dancers, fights, a comedian who eats fire & does tricks with a whip, performing cats & rats, musicians, and a band of pirates.

This was the 2022 schedule.