Poseidon and Amphitrite

This morning when I got up I checked my Instagram and saw I had been tagged in a comment by Fahlo that I had won one of their bracelets. The contest was to name two of their new tagged sharks. The male name I said was Poseidon with Amphitrite for the female as they are the Greek god & goddess of the sea. Myself along with a few others said Poseidon so we each won, but Amphitrite wasn’t picked in favor of Athena. Telling my husband about the contest I had entered he suggested I make a post about it-though I don’t usually do brand shoutouts, I agreed and here’s why. Fahlo is a company that sells bracelets as a way of raising money for animal-conservation groups. You pick the color and the animal (currently shark, sea turtle, penguin, elephant or my personal favorite: polar bear) and a portion of the price goes towards that animal’s conservation efforts. To make it even more fun, you get to track an individual animal that is tagged out in the wild. Their location updates weekly and their profile tells you fun facts about them like how far they have gone, how many babies they have had, etc. This is a fun way to get more people into conservation & I am a fan. While I don’t believe donations or being charitable requires anything back in return nor do I feel comfortable sharing about our personal donation habits, I do love that Fahlo makes conservation fun & their bracelets attract a wider audience for these animals than without. They make great gifts and the app is easy to use to track your animals. Polar bears are my very favorite animal and anything that helps protect them is a win in my book!

Cory & I in a couple of our bracelets.